Watteredge, LLC

567 Miller Road

Avon Lake, OH 44012

Give Us A Call Today:  1-800-311-8515

Copper and Aluminum Electrical Bus Bars

With nearly 60 years of experience fabricating copper ground bar and aluminum bus bar systems, our experts know how to machine, form, punch, bend, braze, weld and assemble  electrical bus bars. We have the capabilities and experience to design and build copper and aluminum air cooled bus systems that fit most any application.

Copper Bus Bars
Watteredge's mechanical and electrical engineers can help you choose the right type of copper and the best way to custom manufacture it to meet your most demanding applications.

From precision milled assemblies to high volume punched and stamped components, put our copper bus bar fabrication team to work for you, in ensuring your copper bus bar products meet the highest quality standards in manufacturing today.

Aluminum Bus Bars
Regardless of whether your bus bar need is more structural or electrical, our bus bar fabrication engineers can help you choose the right type of aluminum and the best way to custom manufacture it to meet your most demanding applications.

From precision milled assemblies to high volume punched and stamped components, put our team to work for you, in ensuring you aluminum bus bar products meet the highest quality standards in manufacturing today. 

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